Applications of Attachment Theory

A package of resources for practitioners

Total CPD credits: 30

Package of resources: £390

Package of resources – Confer Member: £195

The Applications of Attachment Theory to Psychotherapy

Online Module

Since John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth’s pioneering studies into the infant’s need for proximity to a loving caretaker, research and writings on attachment theory have flowered into a major psychological discipline. This has greatly influenced the way we understand the needs of the dependent child and the necessity of secure attachment throughout life for emotional growth.

CPD value: 20.5 hours – More information >>

Transforming Attachments

Transforming Attachments – Can psychotherapy make you secure?

Talk On Demand

It is perhaps a given that, whatever someone’s starting point for coming into therapy, they have a wish to change – to suffer less – and that one way of thinking about that is as a desire to be securely attached. Of course, most people don’t come into therapy framing their problem as an incapacity for secure attachment, but psychotherapists who think of emotional suffering as rooted in childhood deficits may view the work through the lens of attachment theory.

CPD value: 5 hours – More information >>

Breaking the Trauma-Bond

Breaking the Trauma-Bond Between Your Patient and Their Family

Talk On Demand

This workshop will address one of the most frustrating and often repeated events in a psychotherapist’s daily practice, when a client, who seems to be making progress, suddenly begins to aggressively defend his family of origin and angrily abandons treatment. This sudden resistance to therapy is provoked when the patient realises that s/he is pulling away from their family of origin, both internal and external, and cannot imagine surviving alone.

CPD value: 4 hours – More information >>

Mutual Regressions and Moments of Growth in Deep Psychotherapy

Mutual Regressions and Moments of Growth in Deep Psychotherapy

Talk On Demand

Citing his recent volume Right Brain Psychotherapy (W. W. Norton & Company, 2019), Allan Schore will discuss the critical clinical role of transient synchronised mutual regressions. He defines these as the process of returning to an earlier stage of development as a conduit to developmental growth.

CPD value: 3 hours – More information >>