Fiona Palmer Barnes

Fiona Palmer Barnes

Fiona is a Jungian Analyst having trained with the Association of Jungian Analysts. She has had an interest in professional ethics and been published. She is a Supervising Analyst with AJA. Her publications include “Complaints and Grievances in Psychotherapy” Routledge 1998 and edited with Lesley Murdin “Values and Ethics in the Practice of Psychotherapy and Counselling” Open University Press 2001; and chapters in “Vision and Supervision” ed. Dale Mathers ‘Ethics in Supervision’ Routledge 2009 an d The Ethical Attitude in Analytic Practice” ed Solomon and Twyman Routledge 2003, ‘Ethics in Practice’.

She trained in leading Social Dreaming and now teaches and works in private practice in Bath.


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