Dr Peter Heinl

Dr Peter Heinl, MD MRCPsych is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and family therapist in private practice. Following research in muscle physiology including two years research work in the laboratory of the Nobel prize winner Sir Andrew Huxley he took up a career in mental health, training at the Maudsley Hospital and the Tavistock Clinic. He is the author of 3 books including Heinl, P. (2001) Splintered Innocence. An Intuitive Approach to Treating War Trauma, (Brunner-Routledge), Heinl, H. und P. (2004) Körperschmerz- Seelenschmerz. Die Psychosomatik des Bewegungssystems. Ein Leitfaden. (Münschen: Kösel, 5th Edition) as well as numerous articles in the fields of muscle physiology, psychotherapy, psychotraumatology (war trauma) and psychosomatics. The role of intuition in exploring and diagnosing unconscious mechanisms has never ceased to fascinate him.


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The Intuitive Psychotherapist
Friday 29 and Saturday 30 June 2012 – London

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