Dr Robin Monro

Dr Robin Monro is a yoga therapist and founder-director of the Yoga Biomedical Trust. Originally a research scientist in molecular biology, he became convinced of efficacy of yoga therapy following cure of asthma by yoga. Currently he focuses on research and development of yoga therapy for lower back pain. Has treated over 1000 cases with excellent results and has carried out a trial of yoga for herniated (‘slipped’) disc with promising outcomes. He is currently setting up a second trial to further develop this topic. He is also the co-author of one of the first books in the West on medical applications of yoga therapy, Yoga for Common Ailments (Nagarathna R, Nagendra HR, and Monro R., 1990, Gaia Books).


Past and Current Confer Events


Yoga and Health: Research and Practice – An international conference
3, 4, 5 and 6 April 2014

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