Reading list

By Emma Palmer and Mary-Jayne Rust

Abram, D. (1996) The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World. Pantheon Books, New York.

Alaimo, S. (2000) Undomesticated Ground: Recasting Nature as Feminist Space. Cornell University Press.

Badiner, Hunt, A. (1990) Dharma Gaia: A Harvest of Essays in Buddhism and Ecology. Parallax Press, California.

Bateson, G. (2000) Steps to an Ecology of Mind. University of Chicago Press edition.

Bernstein, J. (2006) Living in the Borderland: The Evolution of Consciousness and the Challenge of Healing Trauma. Routledge.

Berry, T. (2000).The Great Work. Three Rivers Press.

Birkeland, I. (2005). Making Place, Making Self. Ashgate Press.

Bond, D. Stephenson (1993) .Living Myth: Personal Meaning as a Way of Life. Boston. Shambhala Publications.

Boring, F. Mason (author, ed., contributor) et al. (2013) Returning to Membership in Earth Community: Systemic Constellations with Nature. Stream of Experience Productions, UK.

Brody, H. (2001) The Other Side of Eden. North Point Press.

Brazier, C. (2011) Acorns Among the Grass: Adventures in Eco-Therapy. O Books.

Burns, G. (1998) Nature Guided Therapy – Brief Integrative Strategies for Health and Well-Being. Taylor & Francis.

Buzzell, L. & Chalquist, C. (2009) Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind. Sierra Club Books.

Carson, R. (1962) Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin, USA.

Clayton, S. & Opotow, S. (eds). (2003) Identity and the Natural Environment: the Psychological Significance of Nature. London: MIT Press.

Cooper Marcus, C. & Barnes, M. (1998) Healing Gardens; Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations. Wiley and Sons.

Cullinan, C. (2003) Wild Law: A Manifesto for Earth Justice. Green Books, Totnes, UK.

Dodds, J. (2011) Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos. Routledge: Hove and New York.

Eisenberg, E. (1998) The Ecology of Eden: Humans, Nature and Human Nature. Picador. London.

Fisher, A. (2001) Radical Ecopsychology: Psychology in the Service of Life. State University of New York Press.

Fromm, E. (1978) To Have or To Be? London: Jonathan Cape.

Greenway, R. (1994) ‘Ecopsychology: A personal history’. Gatherings 1, Winter edition.

Griffin, S. (1978) Woman and Nature: The Roaring Insider Her. Harper & Row Publishers.

Harding, S. (2006) Animate Earth. Green Books.

Hathaway, M. & Boff, L. (2009) The Tao of Liberation: Exploring the Ecology of Transformation. Orbis Books.

Henderson, R (1999). ‘The Place of Deep Ecology and Ecopsychology in Adventure Education: An Introduction’. In Miles, J. C. & Priest, S. (eds.) Adventure Programming. Venture Publishing.

Huxley, Sir J. (1957) New Bottles for New Wine. London: Harper and Row. 1957.

Johnstone, C. (1994) ‘The Lens of Deep Ecology: Pain for the World, Systems Theory, and Finding Our Power to Make a Difference’. Institute of Deep Ecology UK.

Jordan, M. (2015) Nature and Therapy: Understanding counselling and psychotherapy in outdoor spaces. Routledge.

Jordan, M. & Hinds, J. (2016) Ecotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice.Palgrave.

Jung, C.G. & Sabini, M (ed). (2002) The Earth Has a Soul: C.G.Jung’s Writings on Nature, Technology and Modern Life. North Atlantic Books, US.

Kahn, P.H. (1999) The Human Relationship with Nature: Development and Culture. Cambridge, MIT Press.

Kahn, P.H. & Kellert, S.R. (eds). Children and Nature: Psychological, Sociocultural and Evolutionary Investigations. 2002. London. MIT Press.

Emma Palmer. (2016) Other than Mother: Choosing Childlessness with Life in Mind. Earth Books, UK.

Kaza, S. (2008) Mindfully Green: A Personal and Spiritual Guide to Whole Earth Thinking. Shambhala Publications.

Kidner, D. (2001) Nature and Psyche. State University of New York Press.

Laszlo, E. (1989) The Inner Limits of Mankind: Heretical Reflections on Today’s Values, Culture and Politics. Oxford: One World.

Lertzman, R. (2017) Environmental Melancholia: Psychoanalytic dimensions of engagement (Psychoanalytic Explorations). Routledge.

Louv, R. (2005) Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Chapel Hill, NC.

McGeeney, A. (2016) With Nature in Mind: The Ecotherapy Manual for Mental Health Professionals. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Macy, J. & Young-Brown, M. (1998) Coming Back to Life: Practices to Re-Connect our Lives, our World. New Society Publishers.

Macy, J. (1991) World as Lover, World as Self. Berkeley. Parallax Press.

Macy, J. & Johnstone, C. (2012) Active Hope: How to Face the Mess we’re in Without Going Crazy. New World Library.

Maiteny, P (2011) Vital Signs Psychological Responses to Ecological Crisis. Karnac

Maiteny, P (2011) Longing to be Human: Evolving ourselves in healing the Earth. Karnac

Maiteny, P (2015) Trees of knowledge, death and possible life: ancestral warnings of ecosystemic holocaust, its psycho-spiritual causes, and clues to resolution. Taylor & Francis

Metzner, R. (1999) Green Psychology: Transforming our Relationship to the Earth. Park Street Press.

Naess, A. (2016) Ecology of Wisdom. Penguin Classics.

Norberg-Hodge, H. (1992) Ancient Futures. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco.

Orange, D. (2017) Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics. Routledge: New York and Oxford.

Plotkin, B. (2003) Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche. New World Library.

Plotkin, B. (2008) Nature and the Human Soul – Cultivating Wholeness in a Fragmented World. New World Library.

Plotkin, B. (2013) Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche. New World Library.

Randall, R. & Brown, A. (2015) In time for tomorrow? The Carbon Conversations Handbook. The Surefoot Effect CIC, UK.

Rappaport, Roy A. (1979) Ecology, Meaning and Religion. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books.

Roszak, T. (ed.) (1992) The Voice of the Earth: An Exploration of Ecopsychology. Phanes Press, US.

Roszak, T. (1995) Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth/Healing the mind. Sierra Club Books, California, US.

Rust, MJ & Totton, N. (Eds) (2011) Vital Signs: Psychological Responses to Ecological Crisis. Karnac, London.

Ryley, N. T. (1998) The Forsaken Garden. Four Conversations on the Deep Meaning of Environmental Illness. Quest Books.

Seed, J., Macy, J., Fleming, P., & Naess, A. (1998) Thinking Like a Mountain. Towards a Council of All Beings. New Society Publishers.

Shepard, P. (1996) The Others: How Animals Made Us Human. Washington DC. Island Press.

Shogan, D. (1988) The Paradox of Physical Activity in the Wilderness. World Leisure Congress, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada.

Siddins Higworth, I. (2011) Environmental arts therapy and the Tree of life. Spirit’s Rest books.

Snyder, G. (190). The Practice of the Wild. San Francisco: North Point Press.

Soper, K. (1995). What Is Nature? Culture, Politics and the Non-Human. Oxford, Blackwell.

Totton, N. (2011) Wild Therapy: Undomesticating Inner and Outer Worlds. PCSS Books.

Vaughan-Lee, L. (2013) Spiritual Ecology: the Cry of the Earth. The Golden Sufi Center, California.

Vickers, Sir G. (1968) Value Systems and Social Process. London: Tavistock.

Weber Nicholsen, S. (2001) The Love of Nature and the End of the World. The Unspoken Dimensions of Environmental Concern. MIT Press.

Wilson, E. O. (1990) Biophilia: the Human Bond with Other Species. Harvard University Press.

Weintrobe, S. (2012) (ed.) Engaging with Climate Change: Psychoanalytic and Interdisciplinary. Routledge.

Winter DuNann. D. & Koger, S. (2003) The Psychology of Environmental Problems: Psychology for Sustainability. Psychology Press.