Historical timeline showing key discoveries and publications that have impacted on the development of psychobiology

Descartes, René 1637 Discours de la Méthode (1637). Meditations on First Philosophy (1641). Description of the Human Body (1647). Passions of the Soul (1649). Mind-body dualism
Hume, David 1739 A Treatise of Human Nature (1739). An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (1748). Causality
Schopenhauer, Arthur 1818 The World as Will and Representation (1818 – 1844). Unconscious; drives; importance of experience.
Bernard, Claude 1858 Principes de Médecine Expérimentale (1858-1877). An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine (1865). Milieu intérieur (homeostasis)
Broca, Paul 1861 Sur le principe des localisations cérébrales (1861). Perte de la parole, ramollissement chronique et destruction partielle du lobe antérieur gauche (1861). Localisations des fonctions cérébrales: siège de la faculté du langage articulé (1863). Sur la faculté générale du langage, dans ses rapports avec la faculté du langage articulé (1866). Speech. Brain localisation of functions. Hemispheric lateralisation. Broca’s area. Expressive aphasia.
Wundt, Wilhelm 1863 Lectures about Human and Animal Psychology (1863/4). The Principles of Physiological Psychology (1874). Connecting psychology with biology
Jackson, Hughlings 1868 Papers on aphasia (1868-1875). On affections of speech from diseases of the brain (1879). Early neurologist. Lower, middle and higher levels of the central nervous system. Ideas about lateralisation of the cerebrum. Brain localisation.
Darwin, Charles 1872 The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals (1872). Emotions; their embeddedness in the body; learning from animals
Brentano, Franz 1874 Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint (1874). The Classification of Mental Phenomena (1911). Intentionality
Wernicke, Carl 1874 The Aphasic Symptom Complex (1874). Speech. Brain localisation. Wernicke’s area. Receptive aphasia.
Lombroso, Cesare 1879 Criminal Man (1879). The Man of Genius (1888). Theories of the biological / physiological basis of behaviour and mental disorder.
Kraepelin, Emil 1883 Psychiatry (many editions). Fundamental for the biological view of psychiatry. Diagnosis.
Lange, Carl 1885 On Emotions: A Psycho-Physiological Study (1885). On Periodical States of Depression and their Pathogenesis (1886). The James-Lange theory of emotion – mind body relationship.
James, William 1890 The Principles of Psychology (1890). Emotion theory. Philosophy of mind. Theory-formation about the self or selves.
Freud, Sigmund 1895 With Breuer, Studies on Hysteria (1895). The Interpretation of Dreams (1900). Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905). Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920). Unconscious; psychoanalysis; dreams; infantile sexuality.
Meyer, Adolf 1897 The biological approach to psychiatry (1897). Substitutive activity and reaction-types (1908). Mental factors in psychiatry (1908). The nature and conception of dementia praecox (1911). Psychobiology: A Science of Man (1957 / 1931). Developed the idea of “psychobiology”. Early exponent of combined physical / mental aetiology.
Groos, Karl 1898 The Play of Animals (1898). The Play of Man (1902) Fundamentals about the importance of play, and its evolutionary basis.
Thorndike, Edward 1898 Animal Intelligence (1898, 1911). The Psychology of Learning (1913). Human Learning (1931). Learning theory. Early version of connectionism.
Franz, Shepherd I 1901 Localization of Brain Function (1901). Brain localisation
Watson, John B 1913 Psychology as the behaviorist views it (1913). Behaviorism (1929). Behaviourist learning theory.
Child, Charles Manning 1915 Individuality in Organisms (1915). Senescence and Rejuvenescence (1915). The Origin and Development of the Nervous System, from a Physiological Viewpoint (1921). Early studies of regeneration, i.e. plasticity.
Cannon, Walter B 1915 Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage (1915). The Wisdom of the Body (1932 with later editions). Stress; homeostasis.
Yealland, Lewis R 1918 Hysterical Disorders of Warfare (1918). Mind-body connection in PTSD
Lashley, Karl S 1929 Brain Mechanisms and Intelligence: A Quantitative Study of Injuries to the Brain (1929). Basic neural mechanisms in behavior (1930). In search of the engram (1950). The problem of serial order in behavior (1951). Cerebral organization and behavior (1958). Cortical basis of learning. Locating memory; search for localisable engrams and conclusion that memory is distributed.
Tolman, Edward C 1932 Purposive Behavior in Animals and Men (1932). The determinants of behavior at choice points (1938). Cognitive maps in rats and men (1948). Learning theory; rats; conceptualizing the mind’s influence on the body.
Bartlett, Frederic 1932 Remembering (1932). Memory.
Alexander, Franz G 1933 Functional disturbances of psychogenic nature (1933). Fundamental concepts of psychosomatic research: psychogenesis, conversion, specificity (1943). Psychosomatic Medicine (1950; 1987). Psychosomatic illnesses and disorders. Mind-body causality.
Kennard, Margaret 1934 The syndrome of the premotor cortex in man: Impairment of skilled movements, forced grasping, spasticity, and vasomotor disturbance (1934). With J W Watts, The effects of section of the corpus callosum on the motor performance of monkeys (1934). Age and reorganization of central nervous system (1942). Pioneering work about neuroplasticity and regeneration after brain damage in primates and humans. Also studied “split brains”.
Duffy, Elizabeth 1934 Emotion: an example of the need for reorientation in psychology (1934). An explanation of “emotional” phenomena without the use of the concept “emotion” (1941). The concept of energy mobilization (1951). Activation and Behavior (1962). Much work in the integration of psychology and biology / physiology.
Dunbar, H Flanders 1935 Emotions and Bodily Changes: A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships (1935). Mind and Body: Psychosomatic Medicine (1947). A different tradition of mind-body thinking. Holism.
Lorenz, Konrad 1937 Biological questions in animal psychology (1937). Ethology. Evolution and Modification of Behaviour (1965). Studies in Animal and Human Behaviour (1970-1971). Foundational for ethology, and its application to humans.
Papez, James W 1937 A proposed mechanism of emotion (1937). Predecessor of MacLean’s theory of the limbic system and its role in emotions.
Rosenblueth, Arturo 1937 With Cannon, Autonomic Neuro-Effector Systems: Physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System (1937). Role of the autonomic nervous system. Homeostasis. Pioneer in cybernetics. Physiology of the cerebral cortex.
Skinner, B F 1938 The Behavior of Organisms: An Experimental Analysis (1938). Science and Human Behavior (1953). Verbal Behavior (1957). Learning theory. Radical behaviourism. Fundamental thinking about the organism and behaviour.
Waddington, Conrad H 1940 Organisers and Genes (1940). Canalisation of development and the inheritance of acquired characters (1942). How Animals Develop (1946). Epigenetics and evolution (1953). New Patterns in Genetics and Development (1966). Developmental biology. Systems theory in biology. First thinking about epigenetics – epigenetic landscapes. Plasticity.
Himwich, E H 1941 With Sykowski & Fazekas, A comparative study of excised cerebral tissues of adult and infant rats (1941). Brain metabolism and cerebral disorders (1951). Loci of actions of psychotropic drugs in the brain (1965). Forging a link between basic and clinical research: developing brain (1975). Developmental neurobiology. Energy metabolism in the brain
Bailey, P. & Davis, E.W. 1942 Effects of lesions of the periaqueductal gray matter in the cat (1942). Role of periaqueductal gray
Benedek, Therese 1942 Psychosexual system in women (1942, 1952). Contributions to the biological basis of female sexuality.
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 1942 Structure of Behaviour (1942), Phenomenology of Perception (1945). An existentialist-phenomenological synthesis grounded in the body.
Spitz, René 1945 Hospitalism: an inquiry into the genesis of psychiatric conditions in early childhood (1945; follow-up in 1946). The psychogenic diseases in infancy: an attempt at their etiologic classification (1951). Impact of institutionalisation on the development of children.
Hebb, Donald 1946 Emotion in man and animal (1946). The Organisation of Behaviour (1949). Emotions. Behaviour. Hebb’s synaptic theory.
Beauvoir, Simone de 1949 The Second Sex (1949). Female sexuality. Social construction of gender without neglecting biology.
MacLean, Paul D 1949 Psychosomatic disease and the “visceral brain”: recent developments bearing on the Papez theory of emotion(1949). The limbic system and its hippocampal formation: studies in animals and their possible application to man (1954). The Triune Brain (1990) Fundamentals of the later thinking about the triune brain in the 1949 lecture.
Bowlby, John 1950 Maternal Care and Mental Health (1950). Child Care and the Growth of Love (1953). Attachment and Loss (trilogy, 1969, 1973, 1980). Attachment. Ethology. Systems view of behaviour. Reintegration of psychoanalysis with biological developments.
Harlow, Harry 1950 The effect of large cortical lesions on learned behavior in monkeys (1950). The nature of love (1958). Experiments about maternal separation, social isolation and dependency needs with (macaque) monkeys.
Engel, George L 1950 Fainting: Physiological and Psychological considerations (1950). Psychological Development in Health and Disease (1962). With Schmale, Conservation-withdrawal: a primary regulatory process for organismic homeostasis (1972). Originator of biopsychosocial model. Psychosomatic medicine. Relationship of emotion and disease.
Tinbergen, Niko 1951 The Study of Instinct (1951). On aims and methods of ethology (1963). Fundamental for ethology, together with Lorenz. Major influence on Bowlby.
Lacey, John I 1952 With VanLehn, Differential emphasis in somatic response: an experimental study (1952). The evaluation of autonomic responses: toward a general solution (1956). Founder of psychophysiology. Role of heart and autonomic nervous system. Arousal theory.
Brady, Joseph V 1953 With Nauta, Subcortical mechanisms in emotional behavior: affective changes following septal forebrain lesions in the albino rat (1953). Establishing stress as a physical illness with mental causation.
Hess, W.R. 1954 Diencephalon, Autonomic and Extrapyramidal Functions (1954). The Biology of Mind (1964) Diencephalon. Mind and body.
Semmes, Josephine 1954 With Weinstein, Ghent & Teuber, Performance on complex tactual tasks after brain injury in man: analyses by locus of lesion (1954). With Weinstein, Ghent & Teuber, Somatosensory Changes after Penetrating Brain Wounds in Man (1960). Hemispheric specialization: a possible clue to mechanism (1968). Neuroplasticity. Traumatic brain injury. Hemispheric lateralisation.
Pribram, Karl H 1954 With Rosvold & Mirsky, Influence of amygdalectomy on social behavior in monkeys (1954). With Douglas, Learning and limbic lesions (1966). With McGuinness, Arousal, activation and effort in the control of attention (1975). Edited with Luria, Psychophysiology of the Frontal Lobe (1973). With Miller & Galanter, Plans and the Structure of Behavior (1986). Neuropsychology. Learning theory. Attention. Motivation.
Teuber, Hans-Lukas 1955 Physiological psychology (1955). With Semmes, Weinstein & Ghent, Somatosensory changes after penetrating brain wounds in man (1960). The brain and human behavior (1976). The riddle of frontal lobe function in man (2009). Neuropsychology. Neuroplasticity. Traumatic brain injury.
Lacey, Beatrice C 1958 With J I Lacey, Verification and extension of the principle of autonomic response-stereotypy (1958). With J I Lacey, Studies of heart rate and other bodily processes in sensorimotor behavior (1974). With J I Lacey, Two-way communication between the heart and the brain: significance of time within the cardiac cycle (1978). Founder of psychophysiology. Role of heart and autonomic nervous system. Arousal theory.
Chomsky, Noam 1959 Reviews: Verbal Behavior, by B.F. Skinner (1959). Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (1964). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965). Language and Mind (1968). Reflections on Language (1975). New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind (2000). Theory of language and human language acquisition
Rosenzweig, Mark R 1960 With Krech & Bennett, Effects of environmental complexity and training on brain chemistry (1960). With Krech & Bennett, Chemical and anatomical plasticity of brain (1964). Environmental complexity, cerebral change and behavior (1966). Enriched and Impoverished Environments: Effects on Brain and Behavior (1987). Neuroplasticity. The brain changes based on experience throughout life.
Hinde, Robert A 1961 The establishment of the parent-offspring relation in birds, with some mammalian analogies (1961). The nature of imprinting (1963). Animal Behaviour: A Synthesis of Ethology and Comparative Psychology (1966). Towards Understanding Relationships (1979). Ethology
Sperry, Roger W 1961 Cerebral organization and behavior: the split brain behaves in many respects like two separate brains, providing new research possibilities (1961). With Gazzaniga & Bogen, Interhemispheric relationships: the neocortical commissure; syndromes of hemisphere disconnection (1969). Lateral specialization in the surgically separated hemispheres (1974). Hemispheric lateralisation.
Tomkins, Silvan 1962 Affect Imagery Consciousness (3 vols, 1962 – 1991). Basic emotions. Emotions bodily rooted.
Schachter, Stanley 1962 With Singer, Cognitive, social and physiological determinants of emotional states (1962). With Latane, Crime, cognition and the autonomic nervous system (1964). With Rodin, Obese Humans and Rats (1974). Two factor theory of emotion – physiological and cognitive.
Gazzaniga, Michael S 1962 With Bogen & Sperry, Cerebral commissurotomy in man: minor hemisphere dominance for certain visuo-spatial functions (1962). The Bisected Brain (1970). With LeDoux, The Integrated Mind (1978). Nature’s Mind: The Biological Roots of Thinking, Emotions, Sexuality, Language and Intelligence (1992). Hemispheric lateralisation. Cognitive neuroscience in general.
Kagan, Jerome 1962 Birth to Maturity: A Study in Psychological Development (1962). Personality and the Learning Process (1965). With Tulkin, Mother-child interaction in the first year of life (1972). The Growth of the Child: Reflections on Human Development (1978). The Second Year: The Emergence of Self-Awareness (1981). With Reznick & Snidman, The physiology and psychology of behavioral inhibition in children (1987). Pioneer of developmental psychology. Influence of biology on child development. Child development in first two years. Behavioural continuity during life-time. Emotions. Temperament.
Luria, Alexander 1962 Higher Cortical Functions in Man (1962 Russian). Restoration of Function after Brain Injury (1963). Human Brain and Psychological Processes (1966). Traumatic Aphasia: Its Syndromes, Psychology, and Treatment (1970). Major influence on the whole fields of neuropsychology and neuroplasticity.
Solomon, George F 1964 With Moos, Emotions, immunity and disease: a speculative theoretical integration (1964). With Levine & Kraft, Early experience and immunity (1968). Stress and antibody response in rats (1969). Emotions, stress, the central nervous system and immunity (1969). With Amkraut and Kasper, Immunity, emotions and stress (1974). Stress. Immunity. Neuroplasticity. Psychoneuroimmunology.
Hécaen, Henry 1964 With Ajuriaguerra, Left-handedness: Manual Superiority and Cerebral Dominance (1964). With Brown, Lateralization and language representation: observations on aphasia in children, left-handers and “anomalous” dextrals (1976). Neuropsychology. Hemispheric lateralisation.
Izard, Carroll E 1965 Edited with Tomkins, Affect, Cognition and Personality: Empirical Studies (1965). The Face of Emotion (1971). With Bartlett, Patterns of Emotion: A New Analysis of Anxiety and Depression (1972). On the ontogenesis of emotions and emotion-cognition relationships in infancy (1978). With Kagan & Zajonc, Emotions, Cognition and Behavior (1988). The Psychology of Emotions (1991). Basic emotions. Link with facial expression. Studying emotion in children in the first year after birth.
McClearn, Gerald 1966 With Meredith, Behavioral genetics (1966). Genetic influences on behavior and development (1970). With Pedersen, Plomin & Friberg, Neuroticism, extraversion and related traits in adult twins reared apart and reared together (1988). With Bakaysa et al., Telomere length predicts survival independent of genetic influences (2007). Behavioural genetics. Twin studies.
Trevarthen, Colwyn 1968 Two mechanisms of vision in primates (1968). With Levy and Sperry, Perception of bilateral chimeric figures following hemispheric deconnexion (1972). With Levy, Metacontrol of hemispheric function in human split-brain patients (1976). Communication and cooperation in early infancy: a description of primary intersubjectivity (1979). The concept and foundations of infant intersubjectivity (1998). Parent-infant attunement. Developmental psychology. Hemispheric lateralisation.
McEwen, Bruce S 1968 With Weiss & Schwartz, Selective retention of corticosterone by limbic structures in rat brain (1968). With Sapolsky & Krey, The neuroendocrinology of stress and aging: the glucocorticoid cascade hypothesis (1986). With Flier & Underhill, Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators (1998). Stress and hippocampal plasticity (1999). Physiology and neurobiology of stress and adaptation: central role of the brain (2007). Stress. Hippocampus.
Routtenberg, Aryeh 1968 The two-arousal hypothesis: reticular formation and limbic system (1968). With Malsbury, Brainstem pathways of reward (1969). Intracranial chemical injection and behavior: a critical review (1972). With Benowitz, A membrane phosphoprotein associated with neural development, axonal regeneration, phospholipid metabolism, and synaptic plasticity (1987). The two-arousal hypothesis. The relationship between human brain activity and behaviour. Synaptic molecular-level networks underlying learning and memory. Neuroplasticity.
Stein, Marvin 1969 With Schiavi & Luparello, The hypothalamus and immune process (1969). With Schiavi & Camerino, Influence of brain and behavior on the immune system (1976). With Keller et al., Suppression of immunity by stress: effect of a graded series of stressors on lymphocyte stimulation in the rat (1981). With Miller & Trestman, Depression, the immune system, and health and illness: findings in search of meaning (1991). With Miller, Stress, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and immune function (1993). Psychoneuroimmunology. Stress. Hypothalamus.
Maturana, Humberto 1970 Biology of cognition (1970). With Varela, Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living (1979). Biology of Cognition and Epistemology (1990). Biology of Cognition. Combining cybernetic / systems and biological view of human beings.
Valenstein, Eliot S 1970 With Cox & Kakolewski, Reexamination of the role of the hypothalamus in motivation (1970). Brain Control: A Critical Examination of Brain Stimulation and Psychosurgery (1973). Brain stimulation and its effect on behaviour. The hypothalamus.
Blanchard & Blanchard 1970 With Fial, Hippocampal lesions in rats and their effect on activity, avoidance and aggression (1970). Innate and conditioned reactions to threat in rats with amygdaloid lesions (1972). Limbic system.
Goldman-Rakic, Patricia S 1971 Functional development of the prefrontal cortex in early life and the problem of neuronal plasticity (1971). Maturation of the mammalian nervous system and the ontogeny of behavior (1976). Morphological consequences of prenatal injury to the primate brain (1980). With Alexander & Witt, Neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex, caudate nucleus and mediodorsal thalamic nucleus during delayed response performance of immature and adult rhesus monkeys (1980). Discovered the relationship between frontal cortex and working memory. Cellular basis of working memory.
Varela, Thompson, Rosch 1971 The Embodied Mind (1971). Embodiment thesis. Biological basis of the mind.
Eleftheriou, Basil E 1972 The Neurobiology of the Amygdala (1972). Amygdala.
Tulving, Endel 1972 Episodic and semantic memory (1972). Tulving & Schacter, Priming and human memory systems (1990). Memory.
Snyder, Solomon 1972 Catecholamines in the brain as mediators of amphetamine psychosis (1972). Work on dopamine receptors and other neurotransmitters
Kesner, Raymond P 1972 With Conner, Independence of short- and long-term memory (1972). With Conner, Effects of electrical stimulation of rat limbic system and midbrain reticular formation upon short- and long-term memory (1974). An attribute analysis of memory: the role of the hippocampus (1980). With Andrus, Amygdala stimulation disrupts the magnitude of reinforcement contribution to long-term memory (1982). Neurobiological views of memory (1986). Neurobiological basis of learning and memory. Short-term and long-term memory.
Sacks, Oliver 1973 Awakenings (1973). The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (1985). Seeing Voices (1989). Neurobiological basis of mental disorder.
Walsh, Roger N 1973 With Cummins et al., Environmentally-induced changes in the brains of elderly rats (1973). With Cummins, Mechanisms mediating the production of environmentally induced brain changes (1975). Environments as Therapy for Brain Dysfunction (1976). Towards an Ecology of Brain (1980). Effects of environmental complexity and deprivation on brain anatomy and histology: a review (1981). Impact of environment on brain.
Ingvar, David H 1974 With Franzén, Abnormalities of cerebral blood flow distribution in patients with chronic schizophrenia (1974). Serial aspects of language and speech related to prefrontal cortical activity: a selective review (1983). “Memory of the future”: an essay on the temporal organization of conscious awareness (1985). Cerebral blood flow and its relationship to behaviour and activity.
Stern, Daniel 1974 Mother and infant at play: the dyadic interaction involving facial, vocal and gaze behaviors (1974). The First Relationship: Infant and Mother (1977). The Interpersonal World of the Infant: A View from Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology (1985). Infant and child development. Attunement. Developmental psychology.
Fodor, Jerry 1975 The Language of Thought (1975). The Modularity of Mind (1983). Neuroscience. Modularity. Philosophy of mind.
Jaynes, Julian 1976 The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976). (Edited:) The Lateralization of the Nervous System (1977). Lateralisation.
O’Keefe, John 1976 Place units in the hippocampus of the freely moving rat (1976). With Nadel, The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map (1978). Hippocampus.
Plomin, Robert 1977 With DeFries & Loehlin, Genotype-environment interaction and correlation in the analysis of human behavior (1977). Behavioral Genetics [standard textbook, now in 6th edition]. Behavioral genetics. Genetic – environment interaction. Mental health.
Tronick, Ed 1978 The neurobehavioral and social-emotional development of infants and children (2007). Child development. Integration of observation, neurobiology and child / developmental psychology.
Katz, RJ 1978 With Gelbart, Endogenous opiates and behavioral responses to environmental novelty (1978). With Roth & Carroll, Acute and chronic stress effects on open field activity in the rat: implications for a model of depression (1981). Animal models and human depressive disorders (1981). Animal model of depression: pharmacological sensitivity of a hedonic deficit (1982). Stress and depression. Impact of psychoactive drugs. Animal models.
Plutchik, Robert 1980 Emotion: A Psychoevolutionary synthesis (1980). The Psychology and Biology of Emotions (1994). Basic emotions.
Panksepp, Jaak 1981 Brain opioids (1981a). Hypothalamic integration of behavior (1981b). The ontogeny of play in rats (1981c). Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions (1998). With Lucy Biven, The Archaeology of Mind: Neuroevolutionary Origins of Human Emotions (2012). Emotions. Brain localisation. Synthesis of role of neurotransmitters.
Insel, Thomas R 1982 With Ninan et al., Benzodiazepine receptor-mediated experimental “anxiety” in primates (1982). Oxytocin – a neuropeptide for affiliation: evidence from behavioral, receptor autoradiographic and comparative studies (1992). Toward a neuroanatomy of obsessive-compulsive disorder (1992). With Young, The neurobiology of attachment (2001). Oxytocin. OCD. Impact of brain drugs and neurotransmitters on behaviour.
Rourke, Byron P 1982 Central processing deficiencies in children: toward a developmental neuropsychological model (1982). Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: The Syndrome and the Model (1989). With Fuerst, Learning Disabilities and Psychosocial Functioning: A Neuropsychological Perspective (1991). Child neuropsychology. Developmental psychology.
Kim, Jaegwon 1982 Psychophysical supervenience (1982). The myth of nonreductive materialism (1989). Mind in a Physical World: An Essay on the Mind-Body Problem and Mental Causation (1998). Making sense of emergence (1999). Physicalism, or Something Near Enough (2005). Philosophy of mind. Mind-body problem. Mental causation.
Bolwerk & Swanson 1984 Does oxytocin play a role in the onset of maternal behaviour in the rat? (1984) Oxytocin; impact on maternal behaviour
Kolb, Bryan 1984 Functions of the frontal cortex of the rat: a comparative review (1984). With Whishaw, Plasticity in the neocortex: mechanisms underlying recovery from early brain damage (1989). With Gibb, Sparing of function after neonatal frontal lesions correlates with increased cortical dendrite branching: a possible mechanism for the Kennard effect (1991). With Gibb, Environmental enrichment and cortical injury: behavioral and anatomical consequences of frontal cortex lesions in rats (1991). With Whishaw, Brain plasticity and behavior (1998). Brain Plasticity and Behavior (1995). Specialist in brain plasticity, especially of the neocortex
Aggleton, John P 1986 With M. Mishkin, The amygdala: sensory gateway to the emotions (1986). The Amygdala; Neurobiological Aspects of Emotion, Memory and Mental Dysfunction (1992). Amygdala.
Schacter, Daniel 1986 With Graf, Effects of elaborative processing on implicit and explicit memory for new associations (1986). A psychological view of the neurobiology of memory (1986). Searching for Memory: The Brain, the Mind and the Past (1996). Memory and learning.
Rizzolatti, Giacomo 1987 With Riggio, Dascola & Umiltá, Reorienting attention across the horizontal and vertical meridians: evidence in favor of a premotor theory of attention (1987). With Fadiga, Gallese & Fogassi, Premotor cortex and the recognition of motor actions (1996). With Arbib, Language within our grasp (1998). With Iacoboni et al., Cortical mechanisms of human imitation (1999). With Sinigaglia, Mirrors in the Brain: How our Minds Share Actions and Emotions (2008). Mirror neurons. Application of mirror neurons to a wide range of issues in psychology and psychotherapy. Neuropsychology. Language.
Gorski, Roger A 1988 Sexual differentiation of the brain: mechanisms and implications for neuroscience (1988). Sexual differentiation of the brain.
LeDoux, Joseph E 1989 Cognitive-emotional interactions in the brain (1989). Emotion: clues from the brain (1995). The Emotional Brain (1998). Emotion. Mind-body relationship.
Damasio, Antonio R 1989 With H Damasio, Lesion Analysis in Neuropsychology (1989). Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain (1994). The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness (2000). With Bechara & H Damasio, Emotion, decision making and the orbitofrontal cortex (2000). With Bechara et al., Double dissociation of conditioning and declarative knowledge relative to the amygdala and hippocampus in humans (2002). Philosophy of mind. Emotions. Neuropsychology. Decision-making. Consciousness.
Gallese, Vittorio 1992 With di Pellegrino, Rizzolatti et al., Understanding motor events: a neurophysiological study (1992). With Fadiga, Fogassi & Rizzolatti, Action recognition in the premotor cortex (1996). With Goldman, Mirror neurons and the simulation theory of mind-reading (1998). Edited with Stamenov, Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language (2002). With Keysers & Rizzolatti, A unifying view of the basis of social cognition. Mirror neurons. Neuropsychology. Language theory.
Schore, Allan N 1994 Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development (1994). Affect Regulation and the Repair of the Self (2003). Affect Dysregulation and Disorders of the Self (2003). The Science of the Art of Psychotherapy (2012). General neuroscience. Bridge between neuroscience and psychoanalysis. Hemispheric lateralisation. Neurobiological basis of psychotherapy and attachment theory.
Siegel, Daniel J 1996 Cognition, memory and dissociation (1996). Memory, trauma and psychotherapy (1997). The Developing Mind (1999). Toward in interpersonal neurobiology of the developing mind: attachment relationships, “mindsight” and neural integration (2001). The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-being (2007). Interpersonal neurobiology. Memory. Developmental psychology. Integration.