Addiction and Chronic Pain
Image credit: Under the Horse Chestnut Tree, by Mary Cassatt (1896/7)


Roots of Addiction and Chronic Pain in Early Adoption


Friday 9 December 2022

A Live Webinar with Lucy Hill, Dr Marilyn Sanders and Dr Frances Sommer Anderson

CPD Credits: 3.5 hours

  • Includes a subtitled recording of the event and a transcript, with access for a year (14 days post the event)
  • Bookings close at 9.00am GMT Tuesday 6 December 2022

Skin-to-skin contact between the newborn and birth mother helps to lay a foundation for secure embodied attachment. Conversely, dysregulation in the wake of early separation in the form of a suboptimal postnatal environment can predispose the adopted baby to the risk of addiction and chronic somatic pain in adulthood.



14.00 GMT

Dr Marilyn Sanders
Whisked away

The human newborn has an evolutionarily-based biological expectation of the mother’s presence. The newborn expects mother’s physical and emotional proximity, her sensitivity and attunement, her contingent responsiveness and social connectedness. Sadly, there may be disruptions of the newborn’s expectations by anticipated or unanticipated events. Examples of physical separation may include maternal illness requiring separation, relinquishment for adoption, or the baby’s medical need for intensive care services. Others may be in physical proximity but unable to emotionally access their mothers due to maternal stress and distress. Marilyn’s talk will describe the neurobiology of early maternal-infant relationships and the impact of disruptions of early connectedness on short- and long-term infant and maternal well-being.

Lucy Hill
Finding my voice in my own adoption
Lucy sought assistance from Dr Frances Sommer Anderson following over ten years of unresolved chronic back pain. During initial in-person sessions, Lucy made only brief reference to her adoption at two months old as she had no access to emotional experiences that she could connect it to. The analytic couple developed their relationship online, physically separated in different continents and time zones which, in between appointments, quickly began to feel torturous for Lucy. The cravings for Fran became so overwhelming, she sensed that she needed to disclose them to ensure the efforts in therapy continued to be authentic. These feelings were tinged with shame and conflict and tangled with increasing urges to use sugar and alcohol. To raise them felt perilous. The disclosure however proved to be a transformational navigation tool, an entry port into the heart space of longing that Lucy’s Birth Mother had left in her wake.



Dr Frances Sommer Anderson
Like mother… alive, but out of reach

The flexibility of the analytic holding space for Lucy, an international client who came for treatment of chronic back pain, facilitated the emergence of her cravings for contact with her analyst’s body. Prior to experiencing back pain, she had similar cravings for alcohol and sugar and was in recovery from alcohol addiction five years when they met. Through implicit embodied communication, her analyst’s willingness to receive and elaborate Lucy’s cravings for her analyst’s body enabled Lucy to view cravings for alcohol and sugar, and chronic back pain, as proxies for craving her birth mother’s body. This process evolved into a successful search for her birth mother. The unfolding of her reunion and the vicissitudes of the attachment relationship will be elaborated.


Discussion with Q&A



Bookings close at 9:00am GMT Tuesday 6 December

Live Webinar:

£70 (Member £56)
(Click here to become a member)

Includes a recording of the event


Certificates of attendance for 3.5 hours will be provided.

To receive the full CPD credits, you are required to attend 100% of the live event. No partial credit will be given.

Please note that if you are unable to attend all of the live event, you will need to undertake our event specific test in order to receive the CPD certification. This will be made available soon after the live event has taken place.


Live webinarZoom

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14.00 GMT Introductions
14.05 Dr Marliyn Sanders
14.45 Lucy Hill
15.25 Q&A
15.45 Break
16.00 Dr Frances Sommer Anderson
16.45 Q&A
17.00 Discussion with Q&A
17.30 End


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  • You cancel in writing to 60 days before the first date of the event you have booked, in which case you will be entitled to a 100% refund.
  • You cancel in writing to 30 days before the first date of the event you have booked, in which case you will be entitled to a 50% refund.

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We reserve the right to change a speaker at one of our conferences without offering a refund. However, if a solo presenter cancels we will offer a full refund OR transfer of your fee to another Confer event. If the entire event is cancelled we will offer you a full refund.

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